Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We want you to understand the nature of the personal information we collect, how we use it, with whom we share it, how we protect it, how you can access and/or correct it, and finally, how to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

This document also aims to provide you with all the information required by Article 32 of the French Data Protection Act and Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).

Finally, we draw your attention to the fact that we may make changes to this document, particularly to comply with any new regulations or to adapt it to our business practices. When we make changes, we will post our updated Privacy Policy at least thirty (30) days before it takes effect to ensure that you are well informed of these changes.

Website editor

SKY BOY, a simplified joint-stock company, is registered in the Trade and Companies of Paris under number 797 519 832. Its individual intra-community VAT identification number is FR91 797519832. Its head office is located at 24 rue de Clichy, 75009, Paris. SKY BOY, operating commercially under the name of The Overlap Factory, is represented by Vincent BORDES as president.

Téléphone : 01 83 62 17 15

Email : contact @ overlap-factory · com


This site is hosted by Google :

Intellectual property : is a site of the SKY BOY company. All the contents of the site (graphics, images, texts, logos, icons) are the exclusive property of the company SKY BOY with the exception of brands, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, or publication of elements of the site is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of SKY BOY. For any authorization or information request, please fill out our contact form or send an email to contact @ overlap-factory · com. You are authorized to use the site and its content exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes. Only the consultation of the site and the printing of pages or sections for your personal use are authorized.

The collection and use of your personal data
Data controller(s)
The information collected via the contact form is subject to data processing under the responsibility of the company SKY BOY.
What personal data are collected by SKY BOY?

Your personal data have been collected through our contact form. You have expressly consented to your data being used for commercial prospecting purposes by SKY BOY.


The “declarative” data of this form can gather the following fields:

  • First and last name (required)

    • Purpose of collection: personalization of your messages;

  • Email address (required)

    • Purpose of the collection: to contact you by email;

  • The mobile number (optional)

    • Purpose of the collection: to contact you by phone;

  • Your company name (required)

    • Purpose of collection: personalization of your messages;

  • Industry sector (optional)

    • Purpose of collection: personalization of your messages;


The required fields must be filled, otherwise, your request cannot be processed by SKY BOY.

For what purposes are your personal data collected by SKY BOY?

If you expressly accept it, your data may be used by SKY BOY in particular to send you e-mails confirming that your request for information has been taken into account and to offer you our services.


The legal basis for processing is consent. You can, at any time and free of charge, withdraw your consent to receive commercial offers and newsletters by:


  • Clicking on the unsubscribe link on every e-mail sent to you;

  • Contacting the SKY BOY company directly.

Who are the recipients, or the categories of recipients, of your personal data?

The recipient of your personal data collected is SKY BOY. We may disclose your personal data when such disclosure is necessary to:

  • Comply with the law (or a subpoena or court order);

  • Comply with legitimate requests from public and government authorities;

  • Prevent a crime or carry out an investigation, for example in the event of fraud or identity theft;

  • Protect the rights, property, or safety of SKY BOY, our users, or third parties.

How do we ensure the storage of your personal data?

SKY BOY is a French company. Your personal data may be transferred, processed, and stored where SKY BOY is established. It is understood by data transfer, any communication, copy, or movement of personal data intended to be processed in a third country or any data to which a third party located outside France may have access.

If your data is transferred outside the European Union, the data controller guarantees:


  • Have obtained all the necessary authorizations from the competent authority to carry out said transfer; and

  • Whether the transfer is governed by the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission or by internal company rules (BCR – Binding Corporate Rules) or ad hoc contractual clauses which the CNIL has previously recognized as guaranteeing a sufficient level of protection privacy and fundamental rights of individuals.


On July 16, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the “Privacy Shield,” a mechanism that allowed for the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the United States. The CJEU also emphasized that the standard contractual clauses (SCCs) of the European Commission, another mechanism that can be used for such transfers, may not always provide sufficient protection, and additional measures may be necessary.

Following this decision, the data controller undertakes not to transfer personal data from the European Union to the United States unless adequate supplementary safeguards are in place, such as updated standard contractual clauses, data protection impact assessments, and any other measures necessary to ensure a level of data protection equivalent to that of the European Union.

How long will SKY BOY keep your personal data?

SKY BOY will keep personal information in an identifiable form only for the time necessary for the operations for which it was collected and in compliance with the regulations in force. After that, we will delete the information or make it anonymous so that it can no longer be associated with you.

In the event of inactivity on your part without unsubscribing from our services, we systematically archive all your data for more than 3 years from the last incoming contact with the data controller, and will permanently delete them after 5 years.

How is the security of your personal information ensured by SKY BOY?

SKY BOY has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures intended to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of personal data, among other things, against any misappropriation, any loss, and any unauthorized access or disclosure. Our security measures include, but are not limited to, appropriate access control, encryption (if applicable) and regular security reviews.

How can you access, modify or delete your personal information?

We respect your right to choose how we collect, use and share your personal data. Whenever we collect your personal data, we take steps to ensure that it is accurate, complete and up to date. But we understand that your personal data and privacy preferences may change over time.


You, therefore, have a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of data concerning you. You can also request the limitation of the processing of data concerning you or object to this processing. You have the right to communicate to SKY BOY your instructions relating to the fate of personal data concerning you in the event of death.


Your rights can be exercised with SKY BOY by using the contact form made available to you on the website, by email at contact @ overlap-factory · com, by phone at 01 83 62 17 15.



To protect your privacy and ensure your security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before giving you access to your personal information or correcting, modifying or deleting your contacts. Any request may be accompanied by a copy of your identity card.



If your rights are not respected, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

The deposit of Cookies and other tracers on your terminal
What is a Cookie?

When viewing the site or after the opening of emails sent by SKY BOY, information about your browsing can be stored in files called “cookies” installed on your terminal, subject to the choices that you have expressed regarding Cookies and which you can modify at any time.


A Cookie is a small text file saved in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal when consulting an online service using your browser. It allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered, during the period of validity or registration of the Cookie.


Cookies issued on the site or after opening emails are used for the purposes described below, during the validity of the Cookie concerned, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your browser used during your visit of the website and whose settings you can change at any time.


Cookies from SKY BOY partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer.


Only the issuer of a Cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Different types of Cookies can be used by SKY BOY, namely:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies;

  • Analytical cookies;

  • Functional cookies;

  • Cookies and social network plug-ins (social buttons);

  • Cookies related to operations relating to targeted advertising (eg email retargeting).


Third-party cookies allow SKY BOY partners, during the validity period of these cookies, in particular to:

  • Collect navigation information relating to the terminals consulting the site;

  • Allow establishing statistics, targeting and re-targeting, as well as personalization of the SKY BOY newsletter.

What are the categories of Cookies deposited by SKY BOY and how can you exercise your rights?

To check, set your preferences, or disable Cookies, you can go to the SKY BOY website.






Statistics: to store actions performed on the website




Preferences: to store the language settings

1 year



Statistics: to store and count page views

1 day

Google Analytics


Statistics: to store and count page views

2 years

Google Analytics


Statistics: to read and filter bot requests

1 minute

Google Analytics


You can, at any time, withdraw your consent and stop targeting by refusing Cookies in your browser or through the preferences manager on the SKY BOY website, or in the unsubscribe links in emails.

What are the solutions to accept or reject any or all cookies that require obtaining consent?

Several possibilities are available to manage Cookies. Any settings you can make will likely modify your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.


You can configure your browser so that Cookies are saved in your terminal or that they are rejected (systematic rejection or according to their issuer). You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance or rejection of Cookies is offered to you from time to time before a Cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal.


For the management of Cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different; it is up to you to refer to the instructions of your browser or the help screen. This configuration is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes in terms of Cookies.


As an indication, and without our being able to guarantee its correct functioning, you can find the instructions on the various browsers at the following addresses (temporary or definitive):

What is the retention period of a Cookie?
Cookies placed on your terminal can be kept for a maximum of 2 years after their first deposit into your terminal (following the expression of your consent). Once their retention period has expired, Cookies will be deleted.

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