Lagardère Sports

Project Details

Hosting the Euro fan zone on the Champ de Mars in Paris

Families and supporters

5 x 2 min



June 2016, European football Cup: the Champ de Mars is transformed into a “Fan Zone”. What could be more fun than discovering, in Overlap Reality®, five comedians from the Jamel Comedy Club playing totally incompetent tourist guides? But fun implies entertainment and, therefore, music: one of the 6 available SkyBoy “Spots” specially created for the event was a performance by the internationally renowned French musician, Talisco. Aimed at international visitors during the Euro, the Champ de Mars, thanks to SkyBoy, became an artistic and comedic scene…French-style!


SkyBoy extended the “Fan Zone” operation for Lagardère Sports by inviting international tourists to discover the Champ de Mars in a totally innovative way, through audio-visual and artistic content, in Overlap Reality®. All that was needed was to download the free application “Fun Zone” in the App store or Play store, to open the map of the vast garden, and to track the route of 6 SkyBoy “Spots”.

To visualise them, it was necessary to be at the precise location of the shoot. The video would then be initiated, overlapping the location exactly to create the perfect illusion!

User Experience

The international visitors could not believe their eyes: the Eiffel Tower was transformed in to goals and then a space rocket, the Talisco singer was within touching distance! The Champ de Mars had never been so surprising and, above all, so fun. The 6 SkyBoy spots knew how to amuse all generations and enhance this heritage garden that is the Champ de Mars!

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