Thuillier Farm

Project details

Allow museum visitors to discover the place and its inhabitants at the time of the great war

Memorial tourism

4 x 3 min


Project's context

What do the Australian government and the borough of Vignacourt in Picardie have in common?

The 1914-1918 war. A farming couple photographed Australian soldiers in their courtyard, which has, today, in their memory, been transformed in to a museum. In offering a unique experience at the heart of the Vignacourt museum, SkyBoy with its platform The Overlap Factory made it possible to reconstruct this unprecedented and moving event, where soldiers went down in history. With Overlap Reality®, the museum’s visitors can go back in time and witness close up, major history, made up of all these little stories.


SkyBoy reconstructed this historic scene as faithfully as possible for the operation, which can be viewed on tablets made available to the museum’s visitors. Once in the farm’s courtyard, you point your tablet in front of you and, as if by magic, the place appears just as it was 100 years ago. The soldiers are stood right in front of you as you discover the three minutes that preceded the moment the photo was taken.

User Experience

Overlap Reality® is the new immersive media of a complete and realistic audio-visual work. Thanks to its capacity to integrate perfectly with the location, and to coordinate the virtual and physical worlds, the soldiers move around the viewer, talking just a few centimetres away from them, triggering a powerful emotional response.

By bringing these dead soldiers back to life, we are able to show that they were human, sensitive, funny and lost, thousands of kilometres from their families in a war that was beyond them. This experience demonstrates that, when immersive, history has the ability to speak to us and has a much greater impact.

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